Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hi ho, hi ho . . .

It's my second day of work today. The students come in two days. Yesterday I only pressed snooze twice, I think. (That's a victory for me.) Today I must have accidentally turned off my alarm in my asleepawake state. I got up at 6:19 instead of 5:30. Oops. Luckily, I had given myself a big time cushion; I didn't have to be here until 8:00 today.

So I rolled out of bed, turned on my phone, and called Monaca. We've developed a plan to call each other at 5:30 every morning to make sure we're awake. Good plan, in theory, but difficult in practice if both of you oversleep. A very sleepy Monaca answered on the third ring. I hope she didn't go back to sleep after I hung up. . . .

I'd better get my act together before Thursday--at that point I'll need to be at work at 7:00, so accidentally turning off my alarm would be catastrophic.


Monaca said...

I did not go back to sleep - I jumped out of bed, put on clothes, brushed my teeth and ran out the door. Still made it to work on time. :) Thanks for waking me up!

Wendy said...

No prob, Bob. You'd do the same for me.