I actually thought to take a picture this time!
But not until we only had a tiny bit left.
Olive oil
Red wine vinegar
Coarse salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Dill or another herb (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. I didn't peel the beets, and you don't have to either. Just scrub them really well. Remove any stem remnants from the tops of your beets and compost stem remnants. You can compost the roots, too, if you like. If you're using baby beets, you can just use them whole. If you've got larger beets, you'll need to cut them into chunks. Put them in a small, oven-proof dish and coat with a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Cover the dish and bake for 50 minutes or so. To test for doneness, pierce the largest beet with a knife. If the knife goes in easily, they're done. Slice them and toss with a little red wine vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with dill or another herb if you like.
Annika and I really liked these. Steve thought they were pretty good. Liam said he didn't like them, but he ate every bit. Hmmmm . . . I might try using butter instead of red wine vinegar next time and see how that goes over.
Next day: I'm glad I'd already heard about the colorful digestive results of eating beets. Otherwise, I think we all would have been a bit alarmed.
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