Monday, June 27, 2011

Pesto Pasta with Spinach and Tomatoes (Campsite-Cooked!)

I got this recipe out of the current issue of the Olympia Food Co-op newsletter. They had a long article about camping cuisine, with multiple recipes included. I was excited about the timing, because we were getting ready for a camping trip when the newsletter arrived. The ingredients listed below are for a single recipe; I doubled them, because we had five people on our camping trip. 

I took this photo with the leftovers we brought home. I still can't figure out why my recent photos are all rotated strangely. I've tried to change them, to no avail.

Pasta (8 oz. dry)
1 pkg. pesto mix (the recipe calls for Simply Organics brand, but there are probably others; you could also just pack a jar of Garlic-Scape Pesto instead)
1/4 c. warm water (or to pkg. specifications; this was half what the pkg. called for, but it was the right amount)
1/4 c. olive oil (or to pkg. specifications)
1/3 c. grated Parmesan (or to pkg. specifications)
Spinach leaves (optional but recommended)
1 fresh tomato or sundried tomatoes (I used a package of the non-oil-packed chopped sundried tomatoes from Trader Joe's)
Extra Parmesan, for sprinkling

Heat water to boil pasta. When it's warm, pour 1/4 c. (or amount specified on pesto package) into another container. Add pesto mix and stir. Add olive oil and Parmesan and mix well. Continue to heat remaining water. Boil pasta. (The boiling water and pasta filled our 3-quart camping pot to the brim. In fact, we had to make slightly less than 16 oz. of pasta or else it would've spilled over.) While the pasta boils, chop spinach (and tomato, if using fresh). When pasta is cooked, drain it. Add the pesto, spinach, and tomato. Mix well. Sprinkle servings with extra Parmesan.

This was delicious. I know camping tends to make everything taste better, but this is something that we'll probably start having on a fairly regular basis at home, too. The double recipe was more food than we could eat, considering that two of the people on our camping trip were small children, but it'd be just about the right amount for five hungry adults.

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