Friday, July 29, 2011

CSA, Week 9

Tomatoes are here! In this week's share:

Sorry about the backlighting; there's nothing I can do about it at that time of day.

Berries (choice of marionberries, raspberries, strawberries, and/or tayberries--we chose rasp and tay)
Green WWS Onion (see this post for an explanation of the name)
Herb Choice (we chose cilantro, because it's yummy and because we already have pretty much all the other choices growing in our own garden. In fact, we also have cilantro, but ours has long since gone to seed.)
Shelling Peas

Thanks for all your hard work this week, Jan and Dean Pigman! We know you already have a lot on your plate with your daughter's wedding this weekend.

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