Friday, August 5, 2011

CSA, Week 10

In this week's share:

Cucumber (slicing)
Green Beans
Choice of Shelling Peas or Sugar Snap Peas (we chose sugar snap)
Choice of Broccoli or Cauliflower (we chose broccoli)
Choice of Artichokes or Chard (we chose artichokes)
Choice of Strawberries or Raspberries x2 (we chose strawberries--largely because we have a ton of leftover raspberries, marionberries, and blueberries from jam-making today)

I was excited to see some newcomers to the share this week--namely cucumber, purslane, and artichokes. I was particularly excited about purslane, because I've heard about its remarkable nutritional value, weedlike growing habits, and tastiness, but I've never actually seen it before (at least not knowingly).

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