Friday, July 29, 2005

jeudi, le 21 juillet 2005

I'm in Europe for the next two weeks. I'm here with my friend Monaca. She's been here all summer, working as an intern for a church in Madrid. I met her there on Tuesday. We're setting out on a two-week backpacking trip around western Europe.

Today (Thursday) we arrived in Geneva. We'll be here till Sunday. Then we're going to Rome; after that, to Venice; then to Paris; then to Dublin; then to London; then back to Chicago. We're just doing this for fun, and so far it has been. We've had several glitches that we've laughed through; we'll have good stories to tell when we get back.

Unfortunately, Steve couldn't come because of his work schedule (only two weeks of vacation--typical in the U.S. but despicable in my opinion). So he's back in Aurora, but he has Jackson (our dog) to keep him company.

Being in Europe is amazing, of course. I love it just as much as I did the last two times I was here. Having so many opportunities to speak French is heavenly. If anyone has suggestions for things we should see in the cities I listed (besides obvious things, like St. Peter's in Rome), let me know.

I would welcome your prayers for safety, grace, and opportunities for me and Monaca (my friend and traveling companion) to bless others. Okay, think that's about it. I'm paying for Internet access, and my 2-Swiss-Francs-worth is just about up.

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